PLUS: Christmas special is fast tracked internationally
Good news for Doctor Who fans who were less than impressed with the new multi-coloured Daleks:
"We're not going to lose the old Daleks," showrunner Steve Moffat said, according to The Sun. "We're keeping them. They're coming back."
The upcoming sixth season also will see more familiarity from the classic series when Neil Gaiman's "lost" script from Season 5 finally comes to fruition. Apparently, the episode was originally scheduled to be part of Smith's debut season but was pushed back a year due to its grand scope and the tight budget the series was operating on.
"Steven Moffat wrote me the letter telling me that they were out of money," Gaiman said. "Because I'd written a very expensive episode, they were bouncing me to Episode 3 of the new season."
In the outing, The Doctor and Amy (Karen Gillan) -- who also will be accompanied by Rory (Arthur Darvill) -– will encounter a character that was last seen in Patrick Troughton's swan song. Due to the move from Season 5 to Season 6, Gaiman had to make some minor re-writes so that he could include Rory in the episode now that he is a permanent companion inside the Tardis.
You can read the entire article at Airlock Alpha