In a recent Q&A article for The Liverpool Daily Post Fay explained that the series may feel a bit more international, but will retain its basic tone.
“Russell [T. Davies] and Julie Gardner remain in charge,” he explained. “[But] there are more American characters in it, so obviously it’ll probably feel more American.”
Fay added that writing the ninth episode of the ten-part run had been “daunting”.
“The other writers in the room were phenomenal,” he said. “I hadn’t met any of them before, apart from Russell Davies, but I knew their work. We got on great, I think.”
Fay, who previous worked on the hugely successful Torchwood: Children Of Earth addressed those fans who were unhappy at the death of Ianto Jones.
“A universe in which fictional characters aren’t ‘allowed’ to die is ridiculous and limiting,” he argued. “When death is a reality in a drama, the jeopardy is greater [and] the stakes are greater. In Torchwood, anyone can die. That’s a good thing.”
Source: Scifipulse