Shatner Talks Shit My Dad Says

I wish [CBS] would call it ‘sh*t’ (clapping). What’s wrong with —you know, you say to your — I’ve got grandchildren. I brought up three girls. They’ve all got kids. Okay? And you say ‘Boopy doo-doo, you’ve got to make poo-poo. Come on. Make poo-poo in the toilet.’ Eventually, ‘poo-poo’ becomes ‘sh*t.’ ‘Go take a sh*t, and you’ll feel better.’ You say that to your kids. The word ‘sh*t’ is around us. It isn’t a terrible term. It’s a natural function. Why are we pussyfooting?
Bill also talked about how he has embraced the Twitter phenomenon (with some help)

Is [the character limit] 148? No wonder they won’t print my — but I don’t Twitter. I can’t even remember my password name. So I have problems with electronics. So what I’ve done is I’ve hired a young man out of college — whose very fingers are the extension of computer keys — and he Twitters. He does the mechanics, but I very carefully modulate what I say and have used Twitter to publicize stuff, to have conversations, instigate competition. It’s been an exploration in the immediate language of being short-termed and pithy, and I have had a growing and glowing experience with Twitter.



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